Water Knowledge Europe – Spring Edition 2021

Digital international partnering event focused on THE NEW POTENTIAL WATER-RELATED CALLS FOR PROPOSALS OF HORIZON EUROPE WORK PROGRAMMES 2021-2022 (PILLAR 2 and PILLAR 3 – EIC), DIGITAL EUROPE PROGRAMME, THE NEW LIFE PROGRAMME 2021-2027, and Market Outreach of Digital Water Solutions and Cybersecurity.

Water Europe will host a series of free webinars that will offer you the chance to explore the openings offered.

Water Knowledge Europe Spring Edition will include:

  1. Water Knowledge Europe 2021 – The new Calls for Proposals of the Horizon Europe (HEU) R&I FP, DIGITAL EUROPE Programme, and LIFE 2021-2027 & Project Ideas Presentations – Tuesday, March 23
  2. Water Market Europe 2021– Digital Water and Cyber-security & MarketPlace – Presentations of market scenarios, challenges by Problem Owners and solutions from Technology Providers to foster the market outreach of innovations for a Water-Smart Europe – Wednesday, March 24

  3. Water Projects Europe 3rd edition – Water in the Circular Economy Policy development – Friday, March 26

To master the complexity of the new HEU Work Programmes 2021-2022, WKE2021 Spring Edition consists of the following modules:

  1. Preparatory Webinars: starting on 02/02 – free attendance – webinars on the most interesting groups of Calls for Proposals, starting from the 2nd of February, weekly.
  2. WG meetings: starting on 15/03 – free attendance – dedicated exclusively to Water Europe members.
  3. WKE – Water Knowledge Europe Spring Edition – 23/03 – all access fee
  4. WME – Water Market Europe – Digital Water and Cyber-security – 24/03 – all access fee
  5. WPE – Water Projects Europe – 26/03 – all access fee
  6. Thematic workshops: 23,25 & 29/03 – the most updated information for the preparation of your successful project consortia.

*One fee, access to all modules of WKE2021 Spring Edition
**Whoever registers and attends any of the webinars will get one non-cumulative 15% fee discount for the rest of the events in the Spring edition. Apply the code PreparatoryWKE2021in the dedicated discount code in the last form step – the payment.